Visiting address

1140 Franklin Ave, Suite 206

New York 11530

Garden City

Postal address

1140 Franklin Ave, Suite 206

Garden City , New York 11530

United States


Tel +6467714597

Contact person

Company information



RiseTek Global offers an innovative parking boot solution to more effectively manage a scofflaw program, collecting more of the unpaid parking citation revenue for cities and universities, through better technology.

Our patented self-releasing parking boot, coupled together with our data analytics solution, VERGE, delivers a customer-friendly highly-effective vehicle booting solution for municipality and university parking enforcement programs.

Our Vision

RISETEK Global is revolutionizing the vehicle immobilization industry with its patented state-of-the-art hardware and software platform solutions. RISETEK’s proven self-releasing booting solution dramatically improves the performance of your booting program, collecting more of your unpaid citation revenue while reducing your operating costs and investment in equipment.

RISETEK provides decades of experience along with our “Best Practices” for booting and parking enforcement. Our experience allows us to offer proven methods and practices to deliver better results. As we have proven in New York City, there is value in implementing better technology and Best Practices.

        In the Spotlight: RISETEK GLOBAL 


Company information

Headquarters location 1140 Franklin Ave, Suite 206
New York 11530
Garden City
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by

Mike Gordon

Company Size


  • Booting (Clamping) Services
  • Data Analytics
  • Enforcement

Product information

RISETEK GLOBAL's Booting Process


RiseTek Global’s proprietary Intelliboot is a lightweight tire boot that is secure and designed for customer ease of use. Our patented vehicle booting technology was designed to provide maximum security and durability for years of effective parking enforcement use. 

 Intelliboot Features 

Image with boot on the car wheel

  • Wheel boot guard blocks access to lug nuts deterring the removal of the tire 

  • Recessed high-quality tire boot key pad provides accuracy and durability

  • Steel material provides security and longevity

  • Extended wheel boot foot deters drive-away

  • Multiple overrides provide vehicle booting operational flexibility

  • Optional tire boot GPS tracking for additional security and inventory control

Boot Vision Software

BOOT VISION is a powerful vehicle booting management solution that will process all of the steps of the self-releasing boot process, simplifying both your enforcement and administration teams jobs.

BOOT VISION was designed to seamlessly integrate with our clients’ existing PCIMS (Parking Citation Information Management Solution) updating citation data in real time. BOOT VISION’s easy to use customizable dashboard and reporting solution allows each user to define their report view, save, export and print useful reports for your enforcement program.

RiseTek Global's Self-Releasing Intelliboot Explained


VERGE Data Analytics

Designed by parking enforcement industry experts to deliver a more intelligent approach, VERGE is a powerful data analytics reporting, aggregator and management tool that dramatically improves the performance of your booting, enforcement or occupancy programs.

  • Centralized reporting and access for all parking technology data VERGE diagram
  • User specific customized dashboards – Your Data, Your Way
  • Automated revenue and transactional reporting
  • Reduced administrative burden with increased operational efficiency
  • Real-time access to all data and elimination of data auditing
  • Layered reporting provides 360-degree view
  • Integrate On-Street and Off-Street parking data
  • Comparisons based upon budget, historical, time period or location
  • Tracking across multiple facilities with no geographic restrictions
  • Variance alert algorithms proactively provide cost savings
  • Occupancy and utilization reporting of facilities in real-time
  • Parking studies of all data upon demand
  • True dynamic pricing capabilities


Two graphs showing different information

Click to enlarge


VERGE for Booting

VERGE Software

VERGE integrates your data into a powerful reporting, analytics and management tool that will dramatically improve the performance of your booting program.

VERGE was designed by parking enforcement experts to deliver a more intelligent approach to booting.

VERGE is the “secret sauce” that makes RiseTek the intelligent booting solution. The concept of sending booting crews blindly out to drive streets in hopes of coming across a scofflaw is inefficient and expensive. VERGE is a data analytics solution that leverages the mass amount of data that every parking enforcement program already have available to them to create an intelligent booting program.

VERGE leverages all of the data from your existing parking technology. Our ability to create real time integrations with parking enforcement software, LPR systems, smart parking meters, multi-space meters, mobile payment apps and permitting programs allows us to unlock the power of your data.

VERGE Occupancy + Enforcement

Occupancy + delivers real-time parking occupancy data with the unmatched accuracy of computer-vision based License Plate Recognition (LPR) for your parking lots and garages. Data can be displayed on digital signage, your website, mobile payment apps, or social media and detailed utilization reporting provides a holistic view of your entire operation.

Occupancy + Enforcement provides automated enforcement to further increase efficiency of your parking program.

By integrating with your parking and permit data, Occupancy + identifies and documents parking violations of all kinds in real-time, including non-payment, overtime, wrong permit, and scofflaw.

Occupancy + delivers all the data you need to maximize the value of your parking enforcement program and allows you to enforce YOUR way.

Your enforcement routes are optimized based on accurate data and leverages the alert capabilities of VERGE, completely automating your parking enforcement program and sending your violations out by email.

Press releases
