The Future of Parking

Future of Parking

The industry of parking is changing. It is quickly adapting to other sectors which widely use information technology. Traditionally, at parking expos, parking equipment manufacturers were displaying the latest designs and colors on the stage. However, nowadays software is becoming more and more important in ordinary parking activities.

Parking Industry Exhibition (PIE) (March 6th – 8th, 2017) revealed that software companies are playing an extraordinary role in the future capital expenses plans of car park owners and operators.

The reason behind these changes, is that vehicles, their owners and the locations they want to park, are now searching each other through web, data aggregators or apps. Many drivers are not driving anymore around the area looking for a parking space, majority are using their smartphones to find parking lots, parking spaces and even cost of parking. Through phones they can even book and pay for parking. Several apps could even inform the driver when it’s time to come back because the parking ticket is about to expire.

The ‘connected’ today’s driver is looking forward to do things that he planned, not worrying where to park the car. As Alex Israel, COO of, said during his PIE presentation on Parking Apps & Connected Cars, “If you’re not on Google, your car park doesn’t exist to the millennial driver!”.

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