Fixed, an app that helps get your ticket dismissed, now blocked in San Francisco, Oakland & L.A.

Parking Ticket

After apps like MonkeyParking and UBER, Fixed is the next to be blocked by cities. Fixed lets you photograph your parking ticket, an actual agent will review it, as soon as you know your options you confirm an attorny and then Fixed will contest it without you needing to go to court.

The whole idea is based on the 'no cure, no pay' principle but as soon as you win, you pay Fixed 25% of the ticket price, fair enough. Basically, the app helps to find legal workarounds in traffic laws. In other words, you get to hold cities accountable for their own rules, helping you to get out of paying for a parking ticket. But now San Francisco, L.A. and Oakland's local transportation agencies are actively blocking these services.

This means, first, they asked Fixed to stop faxing their submissions. When they kept on doing it, they just shut off their fax machine. Even when this didn't seem the right solution, the three cities outsourced the blocking to Xerox. At this point, looking for workarounds to still be able to submit, takes so much time, Fixed decided to end support for assistance with parking tickets for these three locations. 

Click here to see how Fixed works and here to read the original article this blog is based on.

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