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Everybody check your mailbox because today we send out our Weekly Update providing you with the most important developments in the parking industry from the past week! Don’t receive the Weekly Update yet? Register for free or sign in, edit you profile information and check the Newsletter box.

Weekly Update

Municipalities in the Netherlands make more and more profit out of parking (article in Dutch), the Dutch government announced yesterday. Records show that profit from parking charges relatively increased the most over the past five years. The total income of the municipalities increased with 20.3 percent. The income from parking fees increased with 38 percent, making it a total of 614 million euro. A spokesman of the Association of Dutch Municipalities stated that the increase has three causes:

  • More municipalities entered parking fees
  • In a lot of municipalities there are more paid parking spaces then before
  • The parking rates have gone up

Parking fees aren’t the most important source of income of Dutch municipalities, but as you can see it sure counts. Parking fees in the Netherlands are pretty expensive, especially in the bigger cities like Amsterdam. But it’s always better to pay for your parking space than to get a ticket, right? This reminds me of an article I stumbled upon this afternoon about unpaid parking tickets in Yakima, Washington. In the article it states that there is over $100,000 in unpaid Yakima parking tickets in just two years! That is after the city switched to a new ticketing system last December. Here’s the video:

Today is also the last day of the Airport Parking Network Event 2012. I hope you all had a great time networking!
