IPI Ramps Up Professional Development at Conference

IPI Conference & Expo

The International Parking Institute’s Conference & Expo is delivering up to 50 parking and transportation education opportunities this month 21-24 May 2017 in New Orleans, La. Consider your career development underway once you step onto the expo floors and immerse yourself in the action.

Get ready for exciting sessions like Uber’s Effect on Parking, educational facility tours, expert technology panels, and fun networking activities and events. Experience being in “the right place at the right time” non-stop during this highly accessible format offered only once a year. Parking and transportation practitioners are available at every turn.

One-on-one discussions at exhibitor booths, education, rubbing elbows at plenty of networking situations are just some of the ways you’ll have at your fingertips to learn and share your own expert experiences. The options are endless at 2017 IPI Conference & Expo this year.

About IPI 

The International Parking Institute (IPI) is the world’s largest and leading association of 
professionals in parking — professionals who keep all of us moving. Members include everyone from garage owners and operators to architects to city managers to government agencies, health care centers, universities, airports, and convention centers.
IPI works to advance the parking profession through professional development, research and data collection, advocacy and outreach, and with experts from around the world in dozens of specialties to make sure parking and transportation function efficiently. So people, businesses, and communities can keep moving.

International Parking Institute (IPI)


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