Beyond Pre-booking: Maximising your e-commerce offering

- Lisbon, Portugal

At this years Airport Parking Network Event in Lisbon,
Inventive IT held a workshop for airports on how to
maximise their e-commerce offering and revenue with a
pre-booking system.

The three key areas that were focused on included:

E-commerce & Pre-booking

The introduction of a pre-booking system opens up airport products for sale in advance of their passengers trip.

Multi Channel Sales

By having a system with in built XML web services and channel management it enables airports to sell products through 3rd parties either through direct integration or white label sites.

Yield & Price Management

This is also known as 'Revenue Management' which is a process for capacity constrained industries to maximise profitability
by allocating the right inventory, to the right customer at the right price.

Inventive IT's held the workshops for airports to share their experiences, to generate a discussion about current challenges
they face and the future of pre-booking systems.

Inventive IT have been working with airports since 2007 and during this time have gained an in depth insight to the commercial environment.
This was one of the driving factors behind the development of Altitude which is a full pre-booking and channel management solution.

Altitude was launched in March 2011 and is live at Liverpool, Durham and Doncaster Airports. During this time they have seen a 15% year on year
increase in revenue and a 10% increase in customers upgrading.

Watch the Slides from our APNE workshopand if you'd like to discuss the Altitude pre-booking system in more detail please get in touch on +44 (0)845 867 7641



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