Parking Management by LTS AG On the Company Premises of Hectronic GmbH

LTS AG was commissioned to carry out a pilot project on the premises of Hectronic GmbH with regard to parking management

Hectronic, with its headquarters in Bonndorf, is a major worldwide player in the fields of parking management and service station management and has a complete range of products and services. LTS AG was commissioned to carry out a pilot project on the premises of Hectronic GmbH with regard to parking management.

With over 300 employees across various locations in Germany, Switzerland, France, Poland, India, Austria, and the USA, the company with German-Swiss roots is internationally positioned and present in numerous markets. The broad economic network includes contacts all over the world and more than 70 sales partners around the globe.

The installation of the TAPS sensors took place in mid-September 2020 and is used for parking space monitoring on the TAPS sensor flat to the groundcompany premises of Hectronic GmbH. For this purpose, our TAPS software was also integrated, from which analyses and evaluations can be taken in real-time. It is interesting to know how long on average a vehicle is parked in a parking space and what kind of vehicle it is. The type of vehicle is determined using innovative radar technology and can provide important insights in the company's own process. In this way, Hectronic learns more about customer behavior, which enables it to optimize processes and increase cost-efficiency.

In addition, a proprietary app has also been programmed, which makes it possible to manage parking spaces comfortably from any location. Hectronic now has the possibility to set various parameters in the TAPS system by means of the parking rule function. One can define on which days of the week, how long a vehicle is allowed to stand on the respective parking spaces. If these parameters are exceeded, a responsible person receives a real-time push notification from the system. In this way, parking violators can be detected and parking fines can be issued efficiently in a further step. In addition to the many benefits derived from the TAPS software, the hardware also gives the operator cause for celebration. Due to the completely energy self-sufficient solution, without battery, Hectronic GmbH does not have to worry about the power supply, nor about a system stop due to a lack of energy source. The sensors were installed straightforwardly, in an efficient process, within 30 minutes per sensor.


LTS AG specializes in the development of complex technological solutions in the fields of transport and energy management and brings together the fields of electronics, hardware and software development, physics and mathematics in a marketable way. We develop to the highest industry standards, ensure readiness for series production right up to pilot series, and supervise key projects in processing and after-sales support. Therefore, the entire software architecture is carried out in-house. With this approach, the bundled competencies, the proven industrial proximity, and decades of market experience, we are unique in Switzerland and in the German-speaking neighboring countries.

About Hectronic GmbHHectronic logo 

Hectronic offers a complete range of products and services in the fields of parking management and petrol station management and is a world leader in terms of quality and innovation.

With over 350 employees, the company headquarters in Bonndorf in the Black Forest, three additional locations in Germany, as well as five further locations in Switzerland, Austria, France, Poland, and India, the company with German-Swiss roots is internationally positioned and active in numerous markets. This includes economic contacts all over the world and more than 70 partners in sales and service around the globe.


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