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Latest generation of Smart Parking sensor systems and solutions

Urbiotica Smart Parking Latest Generation Sensor Systems and Solutions

Urbiotica makes the Internet of Things a reality in urban spaces. We develop the latest generation of sensor systems which provide real-time information on what is happening in areas of parking and traffic to improve management efficiency and provide better services to users.

What we do

For 10 years, we have been developing the most robust and reliable, maintenance-free, outdoor parking sensor system on the market. Coupled with compatible signage and business-oriented software modules, we deliver a unique technological offer to set up our smart parking solution Fastprk for cities, companies and public spaces.

Projects all over the world

85,000 monitored spaces in projects deployed in 4 continents have actively participated to transform the mobility and well-being of users and citizens, reducing time looking for parking spaces, traffic and giving efficient tools to the manager to keep improving.

We make it easy for our clients

We market our products and solutions through qualified distributors that offer the best support and adapt our solutions to the idiosyncrasies of each market. We strive for customer proximity and service quality in every market to ensure the best attention during the entire life cycle of each project.

Institutions that support our project

More information about the European Regional Development Fund

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Recent projects

Smart Parking in Germany

Urbiotica German Projects

Urbiotica’s Outdoor Parking sensing system keeps its first place with regards to the outdoor Smart Parking technologies used in Germany, thanks to the new projects deployed there during 2018 by means of our partner and distributor in the area, MSR-Traffic. A dozen of new projects for both public (cities) and private customers (companies and supermarkets) were installed in 2018, summing up a total of 10.000 outdoor spaces monitored in the region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland) since 2013.

Among them, cities like Erfurt, Dingolfing, and Pfaffenhofen have made a step forward to their Smart City goals through the acquisition of outdoor guidance systems based on U-Spot single space detections and U-Flow counting solutions. Today they deliver real-time parking information to drivers, which facilitate the search for free parking spots and thus improve the mobility experience and citizen satisfaction.

Smart Parking Projects in Spain

Urbiotica Spanish Projects

Spain is massively adopting Smart Parking systems to enhance the drivers’ journey into towns’ city centers. In 2018, many parking operators and cities have invested in outdoor guidance solutions to help people reduce the time looking for a free spot. Badajoz, Palamos, Alzira, Aranda del Duero or Guadalajara are examples of cities that have decided to modernize their parking approach through the deployment of U-Spot single space parking sensors for on-street spaces and efficient Variable Message Signs to deliver real-time parking information to drivers and thus improve the mobility experience and citizen satisfaction.

2019 is beginning on the right foot with some new ambitious deployments already confirmed by cities such as Las Palmas, Alcala de Henares, Valencia or Lugo. These projects will also allow Urbiotica to deliver key improvements and add new use cases.


  • Advanced Parking System
  • Bay monitoring
  • Car Park Management Software
  • Car Park Management Systems
  • Car Parking Equipment
  • Car Parking Guidance Systems
  • Car Parking Sensor
  • Cloud-based Parking Solutions
  • Data Processing
  • Dynamic Signage
  • Electronic signs
  • Electronic Vehicle Guidance
  • Enforcement Management Software
  • Enforcement Management Solution
  • Ground Sensor
  • InfoPark: App Mobile for Final Users
  • Intelligent Counting System
  • Intelligent Guidance System On-street
  • Intelligent Guidance System Outdoor
  • Intelligent Parking System
  • LED-Signs
  • Municipalities Parking Systems
  • On Street Parking Solutions
  • Online Enforcement
  • Other Services
  • Parking App
  • Parking Enforcement Solutions
  • Parking Guidance Software
  • Parking Guidance Systems
  • Parking Sensor Systems
  • Parking Software
  • Parking Solutions
  • Parking System
  • Signs
  • Signs - Electronic
  • Signs - Variable Message
  • Single Space Detection SSD
  • Single Space Sensors
  • Smart City Solutions
  • Solar Power
  • Space Counters / Displays
  • Time Monitoring
  • Traffic Counters
  • Traffic Data Collection Sensor
  • Traffic Data Collectors
  • Traffic Management
  • Universities Parking Systems
  • Vehicle Counting
  • Vehicle Presence Detection Sensors
  • Vehicle Sensing
  • Web-based Parking Solutions
  • Wireless Information Systems
  • Zone Displays

Product information


On-street Parking Guidance

Parking guidance in cities is a basic part of achieving the traffic reduction objectives, which is now a priority for most of them as congestion is already chronic in many cities. One of the big challenges for Public Administration and Urban Service Managers nowadays is to reduce the congestion produced by the search for parking in order to improve mobility within the city and consequently, the environmental quality and well-being citizens.

Parking guidance

The solution:

The solution we offer consists in equipping each parking space of the city streets or entrances and exits of a delimited parking area with wireless sensors that detect the presence of vehicles in the first case, or when they pass over in the second, to transform this data into useful parking information for the management and more efficient use of parking.

On-Street Parking Guidance

On Street Parking Guidance - Click to Enlarge


  • Drivers are guided through the dynamic message signs and/or user mobile Apps to the areas with available spaces avoiding the circulation of vehicles in search of a free space
  • The use of the different parking areas is optimized thanks to real-time information on where to find free spaces
  • Information regarding the availability of parking allows users to consult the status and plan their journey based on real options
  • It reduces up to 30% the traffic generated by vehicles driving around in search of a parking space
  • Informing about the lack of free spaces avoids unnecessary traffic and favors the use of public transport


In Park and Ride parking areas drivers may park and get to their final city destinations through softer methods, making city centers much nicer and healthier. They key to success is in a well-integrated information system giving detailed indications about the door-to-door multimodal trip. Plus, drivers must be able to easily find a place to park at de P&R areas.


The solution:

Consists in equipping their entrances and exits and reserved spaces areas with wireless sensors. The sensors detect vehicles passing over in the first case and their presence in the second, to generate useful real time parking availability information.

User Guidance

Park&Ride - Click to Enlarge


  • Informing about parking availability and the alternative transportation options helps drivers decide to leave their car before entering the city
  • Information regarding the availability of parking is accessible through the Internet, allowing users to consult it and plan their journey based on real time options
  • Drivers are guided through the dynamic message signs and/or mobile Apps to the areas with available spaces avoiding the circulation of vehicles in search of a free space to park
  • This guidance reduced significantly the urban traffic generated by vehicles driving around in search of a parking space. It means a proportional decrease in the pollution generated
  • Reducing the city center chaos makes citizens more willing to travel to the center for shopping


Parking areas in large offices, factories and logistic centers can be chaotic. The difficulty for employees to find parking spaces when travelling to work affects their productivity and company loyalty. Companies seek solutions to improve accessibility and parking experience.

Parking Areas

The solution:

We offer all the technological components required for the guidance of drives within the parking areas. Thanks to our flexible and accurate sensing system and customizable dynamic message signs, you can from now on help employees and visitors quickly find a place to park.


Companies - Click to Enlarge


  • Reduce the time looking for a parking space because employees and visitors are guided directly to a parking area with free spots
  • Enhance the parking experience for visitors and employees
  • Improve the image of the company thanks to the innovative guidance
  • Improve the quality of life of the surroundings by reducing the traffic caused by the search of free parking spaces

Shopping Areas

Parking areas in shopping malls, airports, train stations and hospitals are sometimes a great chaos. It’s really hard to find a space to park which causes a big waste of time for drivers. It generates vehicle congestion at the entrances, stress and discomforts. The difficulty of users to find a free spot to park affects their willingness to buy and their loyalty to the brand.

Shopping Areas

The solution:

The parking guidance solution equips each parking space of the entrances and exits of a parking area with wireless sensors. The sensors detect the presence or passage of vehicles, to transform this data into useful information for the management and more efficient use of the parking space.
The information collected by the system transmits the free parking options to the drivers through Variable Message Signs and/or Apps.

Shopping Areas

Shopping Areas - Click to Enlarge


  • Visitors are guided directly to a free space through Variable Message Signs and don’t waste time looking for a parking space
  • Visitors waste less time parking. They come without stress and have a better shopping experience
  • A better parking experience eases customer returning and recommendation to friends and family
  • The technological solution transmits the image of an innovative company
  • The system provides information such as visiting time, time-frequency and preferred areas


Truck parking can be a source of problems in many cases. In highway’ service stations, the lack of information can result of serious availability issues and overcrowded parking areas as the drivers must respect strict driving time regulation and stop when they have to.


The solution:

Consists in equipping all parking spaces with wireless sensors. The sensors detect the presence of a truck parked and allow to inform drivers of available parking spaces and the manager about the status of his parking area.


Trucks - Click to Enlarge


  • Improves the truck drivers experience on highway informing about parking availability
  • Reduces parking issues on service stations
  • Improve truck management in logistic areas

Tourist Bus Parking Guidance

The number of tourists increases every year, resulting in a large number of people arriving in buses, generating chaos and congestion in some areas, with most of them located in city centers. This situation generally irritates and causes conflicts with residents, due to buses blocking roads and adding to the chaos, pollution, and noise.

Tourist buses
The Solution:

The bus parking guidance solution equips bus parking spaces with sensors to guide drivers to the parking areas with available spots and avoid chaos in the city.

The Benefits:

  • Drivers are guided through information panels and/or apps directly to the free spaces, avoiding the circulation of buses in search of free spaces to stop.
  • Guiding buses to the free spots reduces the unnecessary traffic generated in search of parking spaces. It reduces the amount of pollution generated.
  • Traffic, pollution, and chaos reduction favor the well-being of users, citizens, and neighbors.


Tourist Bus - Click to Enlarge


Loading and Unloading Parking

Areas reserved for Loading and Unloading operations have a key role in urban mobility. Every day a multitude of deliveries or good collections depend on the availability of a nearby parking space. In most cities, these are the areas where most parking infractions occur. The control must be ensured and efficient.

Unloading Parking

The solution:

The solution allows the service managers to be remotely alerted of possible offences such as time exceed or unauthorized parking.


Loading and Unloading Areas - Click to Enlarge

The benefits:

  • The identification and control of the users parked in each parking space achieves a drastic infraction reduction in the loading and unloading area
  • The control of the maximum authorized time respect increases the rotations in the area
  • The information provided to the users together with a greater parking availability eases and speeds up finding a free space for loading or unloading
  • The real-time visualization of the alerts allows the optimization of the control operations as well as the resources destined to this management
  • The reduction of infractions and compliance with regulations reduces the number of vehicles double parked
  • The authorized users have real time information about where to find an available place



People with Reduced Mobility (PRM)

Spaces reserved for People with Reduced Mobility play a key role in the mobility of these people. These are parking spaces with some characteristics that facilitate their mobility, such as the minimum dimensions to handle their chairs, or proximity to pedestrian accesses and entrances to buildings to avoid long distances.

Reduced Mobility

The solution:

These spaces are only authorized to people who have the European Union parking card for people with disabilities. With our solution you can guide users directly to the available spaces and at the same time remotely alert the services in charge of surveillance when unauthorized parking violation occur.

Reduced Mobility

Reduced Mobility Areas - Click to Enlarge


  • The identification and control of the users parked in each parking space achieves a drastic infraction reduction
  • The control of authorized users frees up the spaces used fraudulently and offers more possibilities to park to those who really need it
  • Authorized users have real-time information on where to find and available space
  • The real-time visualization of the alerts allows the optimization of the control operations as well as the resources destined to this management, being able to prioritize the areas with more infractions


Free Limited Time

Offering citizens a parking policy based on short time for free parking is in this case a very attractive option for public administrations. The challenges of each choice do not lie so much on the possibility of implementing the rules, but on controlling it. The administration enforcement capacity is the key for such a policy. Success in controlling the respect of the maximum established time will be the key to the users respect of it.

Free Limited Time

The solution:

Urbiotica’s solution for the control of on-street free parking allows the service managers and local police to be remotely alerted of time exceeded sessions and thus only intervene to fine offending users.

Free Limited Time

Free Limited Space - Click to Enlarge


  • A win-win approach for citizens, merchants and city manager thanks to the natural respect of the policy as users know the control is automatized and systematic
  • The real-time visualization of the alerts allows the optimization of the control operations as well as the resources destined to this management, being able to prioritize the areas with more infractions
  • The control of the maximum authorized time respect increases the rotations in the area and therefore impacts favorably on the space availability
  • The permanent space availability allows people to reduce their time looking for parking, with a great and positive impact on traffic congestion, pollution and the city attractiveness
  • The citizens benefit from a free and efficient service as they have access to real time information about where to find an available space



Most of the on-street parking enforcement operations are carried out systematically, street by street and without any previous knowledge of any possible fraud incurred by users. It remains as one of the last urban service with such a lack of efficiency. The challenge for city managers and parking operators lies on the capacity of improving and optimizing the service by the means of implementing technology.

Pay By Space

The solution:

The pay-by-space model using single space detection parking sensors offers many benefits regarding the traditional service. It brings efficiency to the control as well as real time information for the users related to parking space availability. Urbiotica’ solution allows the service managers and local police to be remotely alerted in case of payment default or time exceeded sessions.

Pay By Space

Pay by Space - Click to Enlarge


  • The real-time visualization of the alerts allows the optimization of the control operations as well as the resources used for management, being able to prioritize the areas with more infractions
  • The automatized and efficient control of on-street parking increases the rotation in the area and therefore impacts favorably on the space availability
  • As there are more free parking spaces and they are informed about them, citizens can see the results of the policy and the benefits of the technology deployed
  • The permanent space availability allows people to reduce their time looking for a parking spot, with a great and positive impact on traffic congestion pollution and the city attractiveness

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles (EVs) are a key component in sustainable mobility, unlike the combustion engine which is one of the most direct causes of pollution generated in today’s cities. For this reason, it is becoming increasingly common to find parking spaces reserved for electric vehicles which are equipped with recharging facilities. However, it is common for them to be occupied by unauthorized vehicles, complicating charging access for the EVs that need it.

The Fastprk Parking Control Electric Vehicles Solution:

With this solution, you will be able to guide drivers directly to the available spaces, and at the same time, remotely alert the services in charge of vigilance when an infraction occurs and an unauthorized user parks.

The Benefits:
  • The identification and control of the users parked in each parking space drastically reduce infractions.
  • The control of authorized users frees up the spaces used fraudulently and offers more possibilities to park to those who really need it.
  • Users authorized to use the electric vehicle spaces have real-time information on where to find an available space, thus offering them a better and easier experience when moving around.
  • The real-time visualization of the alerts allows the optimization of control operations as well as the resources assigned to this management, being able to prioritize the areas with more infractions.

Fastprk: Parking Control Solutions

Electric Vehicles - Click to Enlarge

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