
Visiting address

Building 40, Churchill Square, Kings Hill

ME19 4YU


Postal address

Building 40, Churchill Square, Kings Hill

Kent , ME19 4YU

United Kingdom


Tel +442081028000

Contact person

Company information

Optomany city view

Despite having years of experience collectively between our team members, Optomany as one entity is one of the newest names in the payment processing arena. However, given our years of experience individually, we have a rich heritage and our management team have been responsible for delivering many payment sector firsts. Our mission is to enable our customers to take and process payments in any environment faster, safer and more efficiently than ever before. But why should you entrust your payments to us?

Company information

Headquarters location Building 40, Churchill Square, Kings Hill
ME19 4YU Kent
United Kingdom
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Digital Payments
  • Mobile payment
  • Parking Payment Solutions
  • Payment Solutions
  • Payment terminals

Product information


Our Range of Solutions Range of solutions

Here at Optomany, we understand that a trusted partnership is the key to prosperity and growth. That is why our goal is to provide high-quality and efficient solutions for all our Partners.

That is why we let you get on with what comes so naturally to you, and that is selling.

So, take a look at our range of market leading products below.

  • Order Portal - Order products & services for your customers, online

  • Devices – PinPads, Countertop, Portable, Mobile & Unattended

  • Unattended terminals – Allow thousands of transactions each day

  • Online Payments - Websites, mobile apps

Order Portal Order Portal

Our Order Portal allows you to:

  • Order POS terminals for your Customer

  • Choose a range of pricing and package options

  • Deliver the products they want direct to their door

You do not need to manage any paperwork no longer, so move your sales online.


Card Machine Range Card Machine

With our 20+ years of experience in the industry, we have developed a great relationship with PAX Technologies, allowing us to offer numerous models suitable for any environment.

  • Mobile terminals

  • Portable terminals

  • Android based terminals

We setup and ship thousands of card machines every month.


Unattended Terminals Unattended Terminals

Not all of the card transactions taken however are processed via payment terminals which require the merchant to be present. Payments taken via unattended technologies are increasing, whether it is when hiring a bicycle to travel around London or paying to park in your station car park.

  • Train ticketing

  • Parking payments

  • Events ticketing

Each solution can be customized to fulfil your Customer’s needs.


Online Payments Online Payments

Given the ever-changing nature of the environment we live in in today’s world, it will come as no surprise that e-commerce has never been more important.

Use our new online payments service to provide your Customer with a modern-day payment’s solution:

  • A portal and mobile application to track, charge and process refund transactions

  • Ability to accept online payments 24/7 with worldwide cards

  • Free set up and zero service costs

