
Visiting address

Nieuwstraat 4

2266 AD


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Nieuwstraat 4

Leidschendam , 2266 AD

The Netherlands


Tel +31 850 656 919

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Company information

Monit Data


Data-driven solutions


Mobility is a very challenging subject. Balancing a liveable environment and good accessibility for residents, visitors and businesses places high demands on management. Monit brings together clear data-driven solutions for the multi-faceted arena of on- and off-street parking, EV charging and bicycle parking.


FunctionalitiesOne multi-functional platform

Integrating parking policy and operational management brings together many specific disciplines. From occupancy management to financial analyses, from an EV infrastructure strategy to parking enforcement problems. With Monit you can bring all this together on one platform.


OperatorsFor all operators

Parking is an important topic for both municipalities and private operators. In both, user satisfaction, accessibility, liveability and revenue are important elements in forming a parking policy. Monit provides customized parking data analyses relevant for all types of operators.


User-friendlyUser-friendly design

Data is only relevant if it is useful as a basis to manage your policies or operations. Monit provides insights through user-friendly interactive dashboards. Information can be adapted to your specific needs. Your staff can easily access the dashboards with a standard browser.


Modular productsModular

Mobility and parking are dynamic topics. The Monit products are modular to meet this changing environment. Choose only the modules you need right now. And simply add more in the future when your information requirements change. All within the same dashboard.



Monit Data

Monit brings together a team of experienced IT specialists and parking consultants. Together we have developed our unique methodology and software.The key of our solution is unifying and enriching a wide range of data from different sources. Operational matters and management information are effectively made transparent.

info monit

        In the Spotlight: Monit

Company information

Headquarters location Nieuwstraat 4
2266 AD Leidschendam
The Netherlands
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Car Park Management Software
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Collection Systems
  • Data Management System
  • Data Processing
  • Monitoring Software
  • Parking Data
  • Parking Data Inventory

Product information

By functionality

The Monit product portfolio offers several key functionalities. These help you address the main challenges facing public and private parking operators. Ranging from more strategic questions such as developing urban mobility policies, to more operational aspects as payment audits and equipment management. For car, EV and bicycle.

Monit Data


Occupancy of parking facilities

Insight into the occupancy of your parking facilities is amongst the most important information for your mobility policies. Occupancy shows how capacity was used and if the customers had a good parking experience. Monit collects data from all parking systems and gives you one clear occupancy dashboard for all your facilities.



Financial analysis

 Insight in your revenue streams

Payments from a customer will pass through many steps before it shows up on your bank account. Different payment and data processing methods add further complexity. Monit unifies all data to give you a complete audit. Find out effects like incorrectly applied parking rates or parking violations fines. Simulate scenarios using different parking rates and see the effect on your earnings


Operational management

A better grip on parking facilities

Optimize the utilization of your parking equipment and the productivity of staff. Simplify processes with automated scheduling and reporting of your employees’ recurring tasks. Ensure that your valuable parking equipment has minimal downtime. Automatically plan and see the progress of regular maintenance. Report and resolve unexpected outages.. All combined in Monit’s Operational Management tools.



Increase customer satisfaction with enforcement insights

A lack of willingness to pay for parking impacts everyone. Problem areas result in unhappy residents and visitors. Parking tickets and objections to these have an impact on your parking revenues and workload for employees. Regularly reviewing your parking policies and communication can help resolve problem areas. Monit gives you the tools to see where and how to act.


EV charging

Add charging stations where necessary

As a municipality or private parking operator the EV transition brings new challenges. You need to deal with the growing demand for charging stations and electrical power. With Monit you get fact-based insights in order to make the right decisions. See actual occupancy problems. Charging profiles help you to analyse energy requirements against infrastructure contracts and capacity. Get an overview of outages and the effect this has on the availability of charge points.



Serve your customer directly and digitally

Increase revenues and customer satisfaction while reducing cost of sale. Let customers purchase parking services directly online or with contactless points-of-sale. Digital payments for subscriptions, vehicle rentals and retail. Set up online ticket sales for temporary parking facilities. Fully integrated with a management and reporting environment.


By product

Parking monitor

pmMaking the right decisions based on the many data generated by modern parking equipment is a challenge. Parking Monitor unifies all this data and presents it as actionable information in a clear dashboard. For on- and off-street parking and EV. With a platform already connected to the major parking equipment vendors including scan car data and EV charge points. The days of spending your time on manual data collection are over. Instead focus on optimizing your mobility policies, operational management and financial performance.



mmMinimize the time your parking equipment is out of service. Get an easy dashboard for your employees to manage outages, incidents and maintenance. Automate your planned maintenance schedules. Get insight into response and resolution times and check with your service level agreements. MeldMan is the communication tool for staff at the heart of your parking operation.




VtagThe bicycle is becoming increasingly important as a means of urban transport. Policies on bicycle parking are evolving. We are evolving from loose bikes cluttering the street to managed bicycle parking facilities. Vtag is the solution by making bicycle parking fully digital. Contactless check-in and check-out and online sales of subscriptions. Digital payment of retail items in your facilities. Online reservations and payment of rentals like bicycles or wheelchairs. All supported by an user-friendly management dashboard.


Press releases
