
Visiting address

Dirk Storklaan 3

2132 PX


Postal address

Dirk Storklaan 3

Hoofddorp , 2132 PX

The Netherlands


Tel +31-23-5542770

Contact person

Company information

Hikvision is a world leading provider of security products and solutions. Featuring an extensive and highly skilled R&D workforce, Hikvision manufactures a full suite of comprehensive products and solutions for a broad range of vertical markets. In addition to the security industry, Hikvision extends its reach to smart home tech, industrial automation, and automotive electronics industries to achieve its long-term vision. Hikvision products also provide powerful business intelligence for end users, which can enable more efficient operations and greater commercial success.

Hikvision now has more than 40,000 employees, over 19,000 of which are R&D engineers. The company annually invests over 9% of its annual sales revenue to research and development for continued product innovation. Hikvision has established a complete, multi-level R&D system that includes every operation from research to design, development, testing, technical support, and service. Centered at its Hangzhou headquarters, the R&D teams operate globally, including R&D centers in Montreal, Canada and London, the UK, as well as eight cities in China.

Hikvision is a world leading IoT solution provider with video as its core competency.

Company information

Headquarters location Dirk Storklaan 3
2132 PX Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Office locations
Dirk Storklaan 3
2132 PX Hoofddorp
The Netherlands
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size
10,001+ employees

Recent projects

Streamlined parking in Germany

Streamlined parking in Germany

Parking is one of the modern day headaches of city dwellers and commuters alike. Finding a space can take a long time, and this is especially frustrating when you are trying to start your working day. When Otto, one of the world’s largest e-commerce companies, wanted a technological answer to this problem, they turned to innovative security solutions provider Videte IT project. Videte IT delivered it’s Smart&Safe solution using Hikvision products.

Shopping center car park in France




  • Car Locating
  • Car Park Security
  • Car Parking Guidance Systems
  • Data Analytics
  • Parking and Access Control
  • Parking Guidance Systems
  • Security / Surveillance Equipment
  • Security and Surveillance
  • Space Counters / Displays
  • Video Systems & Surveys

Product information

Intelligent Car Park Management Solution

Creating innovative, secure, and efficient parking with video protection

DOWNLOAD Parking Solution Brochure

Car park operators and drivers have one thing in common: they want parking operations to be easy, secure, and efficient. However, in practice it can be tricky to find a free space after entering a car park. As many drivers will know, this is very frustrating!

Hikvision offers a way to guide drivers to a free space quickly, with products that can be easily combined and integrated for a simple and efficient solution. Streamlining parking, both at a entrances/exits and through the car park, makes operations much more efficient, speeding up the process and potentially freeing up spaces more quickly for further occupation. This means maximizing profits on spaces. It also provides extra layers of security, giving peace of mind to drivers and operators alike.

There’s a wide range of options to cater for the requirements of any modern car park.



Free space indicatorFree space indicator

Parking Guidance Cameras detects a vehicle in a space and shows its availability status automatically by colored lights, so drivers can easily see where to park. For example, it turns red for occupied and green for free. Different colors can also be used to categorize spaces, for instance for disabled parking.

Free space countFree space count

The number of available spaces can be displayed, for example at the entrance to a car park on an LED Display. This uses count information using ANPR data from entrance/exit cameras or Parking Guidance Cameras, and updates immediately when a space fills, or becomes free. It informs a driver right from the start if there’s space inside the car park.

Search video by timeSearch video by time

Operators can search the Parking Guidance Camera footage via the Parking Control Panel by time, to see activity in the car park, if there’s an incident. So, if something happens at a particular time, an operator can see if there were any alerts at that time, and investigate.

Parking GuidanceParking Guidance

With larger, more complex car parks, drivers need more guidance to find a free space quickly. Parking Guidance takes data from entrance/exit ANPR cameras and Parking Guidance Cameras, and displays it on screens around the car park. The screens display arrows alongside the count, showing how many spaces in a certain area. 

Search video by license plateSearch video by license plate

Operators can search for license plates in the HikCentral VMS using ANPR data from the Parking Guidance Camera, increasing security and providing a useful feature if an incident occurs. For example, a ‘hit and run’ accident could be investigated. This data is also used by a Parking Inquiry Machine (see below).


Access control barrier by license plateAccess control barrier by license plate

Controlling access to the garage with an Access Control Barrier Gate means only vehicles registered, or paid, can enter, increasing efficiency. A Capture Trigger Radar registers a vehicle as it enters, using ANPR, and raises the barrier if the vehicle is ‘cleared’. This reduces human resources, since there’s no need for a guard on the entrance, for example.

Vehicle locatorVehicle locator

Parking Inquiry Machines can be placed at pedestrian entrances to the garage so drivers can find their car if they forget where they parked. They only need to enter their license plate number, and they can see the space, and directions to it, on a map on the screen. The machine picks up their license plate number from the ANPR data through the Parking Guidance Camera, coordinated by HikCentral.

Parking data analyticsParking data analytics

Operators can maximize their efficiency, and returns, using management statistics from the system, like detailed entry and exit records indicating occupancy. HikCentral Enterprise VMS is a powerful tool to make this intuitive and can provide a wealth of information in reports to help business decision making.


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