Smart is the New Green

Smart is the New Green

With the global population projected to reach over 9 billion by 2050, sustainability is becoming a top priority in cities around the world.

Consequently, the anticipated population growth will create sustainability issues such as aquifer depletion, increased emissions of carbon dioxide, increased municipal waste, and more pollution.

Smart technologies are the answer to tackling these issues quickly and efficiently because you can’t correct what you can’t measure. Furthermore, by adding sensors to the physical environment, city governments are receiving valuable data and actionable insights to make smart decisions, increase efficiency, and offer a better quality of life for their citizens.

Fybr has created an IoT (Internet of Things) Platform to give communities the real-time data to help reduce pollution and utilize resources more efficiently. The platform is comprised of a robust wireless network of intelligent edge-devices with scalable storage and processing of fast moving big data and a full suite of applications for turning the raw data into actionable insights – all designed to deliver the highest level of accuracy on a secure network in real-time. Fybr provides a variety of use cases that help cities obtain their sustainability goals including, Smart Parking, Smart Lighting, Smart Water Management, and Environmental Monitoring.

Smart Parking

It is estimated that 30% of the congestion on city streets comes from people looking for places to park. More vehicles mean more carbon emissions, more wasted gasoline, and more stress on your community and its environment. We reduce that congestion by making compliance and space turnover easier to manage. Our technology also allows communities to track and adjust parking dynamically. That means more parking spaces, available more often. And with less circling motorists searching for spots, both you and the environment benefit.

Smart Lighting

LED lighting consumes 50-80% less energy than conventional streetlights, but gathering data and gaining remote, intelligent control of streetlights can not only save even more, but also deliver features that extend well beyond cost savings.

Remote monitoring also lets public works teams see the big picture. Knowing which streetlights or areas are consuming the most power, combined with traffic and pedestrian activity patterns lets them make informed decisions on lighting policies to optimize individual streetlights or entire communities – all to maximize safety and energy conservation.

Smart Water Management

Water management has become more critical in our cities and communities and can have a large economic impact, combined with safety and environmental implications.

Sometimes, too much water can be a problem. With storm and sewage pipe monitoring systems, detecting both depth and flow rates in real-time gives waste management teams a better picture of what’s flowing where, so they can make proactive decisions to keep sewage systems from overflowing and polluting our waterways. Fybr’s water solution can monitor flood-prone areas and alert emergency responders and drivers alike of road hazards – saving valuable time, resources and lives.

Environmental Monitoring

Air quality is a global problem that causes asthma, respiratory diseases, lung cancer, heart disease, and stroke – affecting people of all ages. With our air quality monitoring sensors that measure both gasses and particulates, communities can track air quality at the city block level. City officials can track pollutants to their source to eliminate big polluters, while citizens can monitor air quality in real-time to make data-backed decisions about their daily activities that can lead to improved health and wellness.

Smart City solutions certainly align with green initiatives saving cities time and giving them the right tools to make critical decisions that impact the environment and make our cities better places to live and work. At Fybr, we believe Smart is the new Green™ for communities around the globe.

About Fybr Fybr

Fybr is the world’s leader in parking sensor management solutions, delivering real-time data to actively connect and improve communities of all sizes. Fybr helps keep traffic flowing with useful information about residents and visitors – people with individual lives, unique needs and distinct goals – not just cold, clinical numbers. Fybr's data is drawn directly from city life, with tangible applications that bring fresh energy to communities large and small - all through smarter parking.
